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Your school needs EduBridge

Edubridge help you get the best out of your school, Teachers and Students/Parents.

Edubridge for school
Personal Assistant
For Schools

Easily manage all activities involving parents, teachers and students. Generate complete insights about your school and make wise decisions

Edubridge for parents
Personal Assistant
For Students/Parents

Stay glued to your school and track your child's academic performance at a glance. Brings out the best of your kids

Edubridge for teachers
Personal Assistant
For Teachers

It helps you save time and get insightful information about your students/kids. Provides you with tools to ease your works

What is Edubridge

What is Edubridge?

Edubridge is an education technology for school management, learning and teaching. It automates school workflows, support virtual learning and builds collaboration between learners and teachers.

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Edubridge reportsheet

Automated ReportSheet

Computerized assessment collations and grading system for school wide result formulation and grading. Remote grading system for tutor and electronic report sheet generation for parents preview/download. Track all term and session results for any students.

Edubridge reportsheet
Edubridge Automated Attendance System

Automated Attendance

Take staff and student attendance. It sends Auto SMS/Email and in-App Notification to parents ensuring their child/wards are in school safely and automatic deducts staff salary on late coming/absense.

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Edubridge cbt exam

Computer Based Test Exam

Easily selfhost and manage electronic exams in your school at a click of a button with Artificial intelligence to avoid malpractice. Students can take exams anywhere in the world with realtime result syncing without any stress and gives schools opportunity to save cost and time on printing exam papers.

Edubridge accounting


Collecting complete school fees from parents has not been easy, With our Accounting algorithm built-in, Parents get to pay school fees on time without schools chasing students away from school premises.

Auto remind parents about school fees payments, send invoice and reciept real-time etc.

Edubridge accounting
Edubridge Virtualclassroom

Virtual Classroom

Learn live on the Go with real time audio and Video, share screen and communication beyond the four walls of the classroom

Edubridge Homework/Quiz


Easily prepare and give student take home Quiz/homework during school days and holidays. Homework Auto Marks and student can view corrections and insightful data about his/her performance after submissions from the App.